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Casper Network's 1.5 Protocol Upgrade Sets New Standards with Native Smart Contract Debugging

Casper Network achieves a significant milestone with its 1.5 protocol upgrade, becoming the first Layer-1 blockchain to enable native smart contract debugging on the mainnet, enhancing security, and streamlining developer experiences.

Casper Network: 1.5 Upgrade Enables Smart Contract Debugging

The Casper Association, the organization overseeing the Casper blockchain, has unveiled its successful 1.5 protocol upgrade, setting a groundbreaking precedent in the blockchain realm. With this upgrade, Casper Network becomes the world's first Layer-1 blockchain to introduce native smart contract debugging capabilities on the mainnet.

The Casper blockchain was meticulously designed to facilitate native upgradability without network halts or maintenance downtime. This foundational adaptability is vividly demonstrated in the 1.5 upgrade, which ushers in a host of new features, with the spotlight on enabling smart contract debugging in a live environment.

One of the standout features of the 1.5 upgrade is the Speculative Execution Endpoint, an exclusive offering tailored to meet the requirements of enterprises. This innovative "speculative_exec" endpoint allows developers to test contracts against the production environment, ensuring their reliability and cost-effectiveness before deployment.

This feature is especially invaluable to enterprises contemplating large-scale blockchain deployments. IPwe, a global financial technology company, has already leveraged Casper for the largest-ever deployment of assets to a blockchain network, registering millions of patent assets as dynamic NFTs.

The 1.5 upgrade also ushers in a series of improvements in smart contract security and flexibility, positioning the Casper network to support a wider array of applications and use cases. Smart contracts now have access to authorized key lists, benefiting multi-signature contracts and role-based security. Additionally, the maximum stack height has been increased, providing enhanced flexibility and compatibility with specific software packages.

Fast Sync is another vital addition, streamlining the process for nodes to join and participate in the Casper network swiftly. Traditionally, nodes were required to store data from the blockchain's inception. However, with Fast Sync, they can join closer to the most recent block, addressing synchronization time and state bloat issues.

The Casper 1.5 upgrade includes an increase in the delegator limit per validator, making it easier for users to stake their coins with node operators. The re-delegation process has also been simplified, reducing the need for multiple calls to the blockchain.

Casper Network's unwavering focus on unique data controls and enterprise-level data sensitivity led to the 1.5 upgrade. This commitment to innovation ensures that the network remains in a state of constant upgradeability, free from maintenance periods, and ready to meet evolving industry demands.
