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Web3 Foundation partners to bring music to web3

Web3 Foundation takes center stage in the music industry, orchestrating a symphony with Primavera Pro about music's digital future and the power of blockchain technology.

Web3 Foundation Strikes A Chord with Blockchain & Music

The rhythm of the future is set to play on blockchain's beat, and Web3 Foundation is all set to dance to it! Partnering with Barcelona's web3 wunderkinds GUZZU and Polka Häus, the foundation is lending its support to Primavera Pro in a harmonious symphony about music's digital future and blockchain's potential to transform it.

Primavera Pro, the annual musical feast in Barcelona, is preparing for an encore performance with the Web3 Music Summit. Anticipating a full house of over 3,000 music enthusiasts, the summit promises to be a thrilling composition of enlightening discussions about music's digital destiny and the power of blockchain technology. The curtain will rise on this two-day inaugural event, the Madrid Primavera Event, on June 7th at the enchanting Espacio Cultural Serrería Belga in Madrid, with the city hall orchestrating the event.

As a pioneering stage for exploring the pulsating trends and challenges of the music industry, Primavera Pro's collaboration with the Web3 Foundation is a harmonious blend of musical chords and technological nodes. The summit aspires to bridge the gap between the music industry and the Web3 ecosystem, while orchestrating the industry's transition to the Web3 space.

The Web3 Foundation, born out of Dr. Gavin Wood's vision, echoes its commitment to an open, transparent internet and empowers artists with blockchain technology, ensuring they take center stage in managing their creations and engaging with their fans. This collaboration with Primavera Pro and Primavera Sound amplifies the foundation's mission and takes its echoes beyond the Web3 community.

The Polkadot blockchain protocol, the principal project of the Web3 Foundation, is the musical keynote that's reverberating through the tech industry. The Foundation is orchestrating a symphony of opportunities for music professionals on the Polkadot Blockchain, encouraging them to compose and distribute music on this distributed ledger technology.

Primavera Pro's Director Elena Barreras hails the Web3 Music Summit as a groundbreaking national project that provides a platform for a vibrant debate about Web3's role in the music industry. GUZZU's CEO, Arnau Sabaté, echoes her sentiments, highlighting the opportunity to discover trailblazing music projects developed within the Polkadot ecosystem.

A panel of industry maestros will lead discussions on the symphony of Web3 onboarding, the crescendo of its use in the music and creative industries, and blockchain's potential to revolutionize digital content creation, distribution, and consumption.

As the crescendo builds, the summit will take place against the vibrant backdrop of the Primavera Sound 2023 Music Festival in Barcelona, Spain. This year, the festival will also be hosted in Madrid, offering an exciting dual-city experience for the first time since its inception in 2001.
