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Pi Network Launches Fireside Forum: Revolutionizing Web3 Social Platform with Tokenomics

Pi Network introduces Fireside Forum, a groundbreaking Web3 social platform that integrates tokenomics to promote positive interactions, authenticity, and accountability.

Pi Network Launches Fireside Forum: Tokenomics-Driven Web3 Social Platform

Pi Network, a leading Web3 app ecosystem and cryptocurrency community, is proud to announce the launch of Fireside Forum. This innovative Web3 social platform aims to create a new internet experience centered around authenticity, constructive conversations, and healthier online interactions. By integrating tokenomics powered by Pi cryptocurrency, Fireside Forum rewards positive interactions and penalizes negative ones, revolutionizing the way we engage with social media.

Unlike traditional social media platforms, Fireside Forum leverages cryptocurrency and tokens to moderate online behavior, resulting in a more positive and enjoyable user experience. The platform introduces the concept of creating posts at a cost, where authors can only recover their costs through tips from a decentralized audience who appreciate their high-quality content. By prioritizing meaningful interactions and empowering the community to determine trending content, Fireside Forum fosters authenticity and accountability.

Nicolas Kokkalis, Founder and Head of Technology at Pi Network, believes that blockchain and cryptocurrencies are the catalysts needed to address the issues faced by traditional social networks. Fireside Forum represents Pi Network's vision of a new Web3 social network, focusing on authenticity, decentralization, and a high-quality online experience.

Fake accounts and spam content are persistent problems on Web2 social platforms. Fireside Forum tackles these challenges through its unique tokenomics, which incentivize positive contributions and disincentivize negative behavior. Pioneers who have completed the network's KYC program and migrated their mined Pi cryptocurrency to Pi Mainnet can purchase in-app tokens. These tokens are essential for posting, replying, interacting with content, and promoting or demoting posts. Pioneers are rewarded with in-app token tips based on community engagement with their authored content. This token model increases accountability, promotes positive interactions, and discourages spam and online harassment, creating a safer and healthier online environment.

Fireside Forum aligns with Pi Network's commitment to utility-focused apps, providing a decentralized platform that prioritizes transparency and self-governance. Pioneers can engage in meaningful interactions with other verified users, utilizing the Pi cryptocurrency they mine through their mobile mining contributions.

Dr. Chengdiao Fan, Pi Founder and Head of Product, emphasizes that the design of Fireside Forum draws on prior research on online behavior and interactions. The platform is a testament to Pi Network's dedication to bridging theory and practice, with ongoing iterations based on user feedback and new learnings.

Fireside Forum is now accessible through the Pi Browser, available for free download on Google Play and the Apple App Store. To learn more or join Pi Network, please visit
