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Deutsche Telekom Amplifies The Graph Protocol with Enhanced Security Nodes

Deutsche Telekom joins forces with The Graph to advance Web3, making blockchain data retrieval more accessible and robust. This partnership sets a precedent for tech giants embracing decentralized networks.

Deutsche Telekom's Leap into Web3: Strengthening The Graph's Blockchain Indexing

Deutsche Telekom, a telecom titan, has taken a monumental step by partnering with The Graph, widely dubbed the "Google for Web3." With a staggering query volume surpassing one trillion across its platform, this collaboration aims to elevate the Web3 infrastructure.

The essence of blockchain technology revolves around invaluable data. Yet, the task of accessing such data has historically been complex. Enter Deutsche Telekom MMS, a Deutsche Telekom subsidiary, which has revolutionized data extraction by operating nodes as Indexers.

Kicking off its indexing adventure, Deutsche Telekom MMS is catering to both Ethereum and its scaling counterpart, Arbitrum. As an Indexer, the company efficiently tracks vital data, from pricing details to historical digital asset movements, making data retrieval straightforward for a wide spectrum of users.

For its pivotal role in data indexing, Deutsche Telekom MMS earns rewards in The Graph's native cryptocurrency, "GRT". This fruitful association spans 40+ blockchain networks, highlighting The Graph's colossal footprint in Web3.

Deutsche Telekom MMS has redefined data accessibility, introducing it as a "subgraph" equipped with open-source APIs. These interfaces, vital in software development, facilitate smooth inter-server communication. Moreover, developers gain the freedom to design and release their APIs using the open-source "GraphQL", democratizing data access to unprecedented levels.

This technological leap isn't just about data; businesses can leverage subgraphs to provide digital assets, circumventing the need for unique data storage setups. Subgraphs present insights like real-time crypto prices, trading volumes, or NFT metrics, enriching businesses' decision-making processes and customer journeys.

Dirk Röder, leading the Web3 Infrastructure & Solutions at Deutsche Telekom MMS, conveyed the firm's dedication to blockchain progress. "Our infrastructure for The Graph is reinforcing Web3's security. We're facilitating global access to these Web3 services and bolstering decentralization with our Indexer."

Tegan Kline of Edge & Node spotlighted Deutsche Telekom MMS's venture into The Graph Network as pivotal in the Web2 to Web3 shift. "An increasing number of Web2 stalwarts are delving into the Web3 domain, joining decentralized platforms like The Graph. I foresee a vast majority of top tech firms becoming Indexers on The Graph Network within a decade."

Deutsche Telekom's alliance with The Graph stands as a testament to the growing endorsement of permissionless technology. By making blockchain data more accessible and bolstering The Graph's potential, Deutsche Telekom MMS is at the forefront of championing decentralization. This partnership underscores the future, where tech behemoths harness the vast potential of Web3 and decentralized entities like The Graph.
