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Ankr & Tencent Cloud Innovate with Blockchain RPC: Pioneering Web3 Development

Ankr collaborates with Tencent Cloud to unveil a revolutionary Web3-native RPC service for developers. This alliance seeks to reshape blockchain access and expedite Web3 application creation.

Ankr and Tencent Cloud’s Blockchain RPC: Steering Web3 Development to New Horizons

Web3 developer hub, Ankr, in a game-changing partnership with Tencent Cloud, has launched a groundbreaking product set to redefine developers' interaction with blockchain. The "Tencent Cloud Blockchain RPC" — a Web3-centric RPC service — promises top-tier blockchain node access, targeting both organizations and enterprises.

Accessible via Tencent Cloud’s marketplace, this venture aligns with the vision of both tech juggernauts: Delivering state-of-the-art Web3 infrastructure and developer resources to the burgeoning Web3 community.

Ankr's CTO, Stanley Wu, spoke of this synergy's significance: “Our collaboration with Tencent Cloud signals the strides decentralized internet is making, converging with the wider web framework. This partnership heralds an era of rapid blockchain application development, ushering in potential growth from both budding Web3 projects and established enterprises.”

Amid the burgeoning Web3 domain, this RPC service empowers developers by facilitating swift blockchain network access — Ethereum Mainnet, BNB Smart Chain, and Polygon PoS, to name a few — all via an intuitive portal. The service is primed to amplify developers’ ability to retrieve data and execute transactions across varied blockchains, expanding the horizon for Web3 app creation.

Combining Ankr's avant-garde blockchain framework with Tencent Cloud’s mastery in cloud computing and networking, the outcome is an RPC Service capable of high concurrency—handling a staggering 1,800 requests/sec/chain. The underpinning, strengthened by Ankr's proficiency in node management and infrastructure, promises stability.

Tencent Cloud’s Senior VP, Poshu Yeung, voiced his excitement: “Our maiden Web3-focused product, Tencent Cloud Blockchain RPC, underlines our commitment to the global Web3 diaspora. With allies like Ankr, we're poised to bolster developers and the decentralized app ecosystem, staying agile to cater to the ever-evolving market needs.”

The RPC service is designed with versatility in mind — from a public version offering free blockchain interaction, to premium Pay-as-you-Go alternatives, and a bespoke enterprise version spanning diverse global use cases. Future upgrades promise enhanced blockchain support and a sophisticated API service for both public and premium offerings.

By 2023, Ankr has emerged as a dynamic Web3 developer nexus, equipped with a myriad of tools for crafting Web3 applications and integrating them with 30+ blockchains. Processing trillions of transactions annually, Ankr stands tall as the primary infrastructure ally for chains like Polygon, BNB Smart Chain, and Fantom. Their extensive product range spans from multi-chain dApp creation tools, AppChain engineering amenities, crypto staking resolutions, to a vast node infrastructure — all tailored to demystify Web3 development and enable easier participation in the crypto world.

The alliance of Ankr with Tencent Cloud is not just a landmark in Web3's evolutionary journey but a testament to their unwavering commitment to usher developers into the Web3 age. Tencent Cloud Blockchain RPC, backed by the shared expertise of these powerhouses, propels Web3 development into a realm of unmatched growth and innovation. This collaboration paints a promising picture of the transformative opportunities waiting in the blockchain and decentralized tech arena.
