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Y00ts NFTs: From Solana to Polygon and Now to Ethereum

Popular NFT collection Y00ts announces its migration from Polygon to Ethereum. This move follows a similar path taken by Y00ts earlier this year from Solana to Polygon.

Y00ts NFTs' Journey: Solana ➔ Polygon ➔ Ethereum

Y00ts, an eminent NFT collection that dominated the trading scene on Polygon, is now setting its sights on Ethereum, the blockchain giant renowned for NFTs. Interestingly, this isn't the first migration for Y00ts. Earlier in the year, they shifted from Solana to Polygon, facilitated by a whopping $3 million grant from Polygon.

In a magnanimous move, Y00ts expressed intentions to refund the entire grant amount to Polygon, emphasizing their plans to allocate it towards nurturing the NFT ecosystem. They took to Twitter to clarify their ongoing affection for Polygon, hinting at their aspirations to unify the communities of DeGods and y00ts.

The NFT community eagerly awaits the official date for this migration, promised to be unveiled soon. Meanwhile, Rohun Vora, the brains behind y00ts, also announced a new collection for DeGods. It's interesting to note that DeGods followed a similar migration trajectory as y00ts. CryptoSlam data underscores its success, ranking it fourth in terms of trade volume on Ethereum.

Vora took to Twitter to articulate the challenge of managing two distinct communities and the need to amalgamate them. He urged for understanding and respect from all stakeholders.

This shift in NFT collections from Polygon is becoming a trend, as exemplified by CyberKongz's announcement to transition to the Ronin blockchain. Recent data from the Forkast 500 NFT index and CryptoSlam indicate intriguing dynamics in the NFT space, with Ethereum and Polygon experiencing fluxes in sales volume.
