In a groundbreaking move, Brave, a Web3-integrated browser, is incorporating non-fungible tokens (NFTs) into its user experience by introducing NFT-gated video calls. This revolutionary tool, added to its existing Brave Talk video service, enables hosts to leverage NFTs and POAPS to manage access to calls.
According to Brave, this innovative feature could be harnessed by NFT projects for interaction with other holders. These token-gated calls are available to all premium Brave Talk users across any browser and Web3 wallet. However, the feature currently supports only Ethereum-based NFTs.
The company teased further advancements: "In the future, hosts can grant access based on specific token balances or previous ownership of a token or send crypto to participants."
Hosts can also utilize NFTs to assign avatars, delegate moderator permissions, and more. When integrated with the Brave browser's native Brave Wallet, these tools culminate into "the first-ever fully integrated Web3 live event platform, combining browser, wallet, and video," the company articulated in a blog post.
Brave's privacy-centric browser and search engine have already garnered over 50 million monthly active users. Earlier this year, the company rolled out support for Solana dapps on its iOS and Android versions, further emphasizing its commitment to the Web3 landscape.