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Venom Collaborates with Artfi: Pioneering a New Era in Art Investment.

Venom collaborates with Artfi, striving to democratize the fine art market via fractionalized NFTs, merging art with innovative blockchain tech.

Venom & Artfi: Crafting a Digital Renaissance in Fine Art

Venom proudly steps into the limelight, revealing a game-changing partnership with Artfi. Together, they're poised to sculpt a nexus where art meets cutting-edge technology, ushering on-chain integration of tangible assets. Artfi's platform, celebrated for offering investment windows into fine art via fractionalized NFTs, converges with Venom's prowess, paving a path towards inclusivity in a traditionally gated market.

The towering $1.7 trillion USD art and collectibles realm, once a fortress for the elite, now finds its walls gently crumbling, thanks to pioneers like Artfi. The platform is fervently working to unlock the doors to iconic blue-chip artworks, making them attainable for all.

Artfi’s groundbreaking strategy is a godsend for art aficionados. Previously, artworks with a ticket price over $1 million USD would remain a distant dream for many. Artfi disrupts this norm. By fragmenting each masterpiece into 10,000 NFT shards, with a starting price point of $1,000, it's making dreams tangible.

Further enriching the experience, once you secure your slice of the artwork via NFTs, the actual piece is treasured within Artfi’s esteemed gallery in Dubai. Investors can then choose to trade their NFTs or stay invested, awaiting Artfi's orchestration of the artwork's sale. This culmination sees the NFT being retired, funneling the profits back to its holder.

Although Artfi's operations have spanned Ethereum and Polygon, the alliance with Venom is set to elevate the user journey. Venom's robust infrastructure promises to amplify user engagements, slashing transaction costs and supercharging NFT transfer velocities.

Venom Foundation’s Faraj Abutalibov expressed his exhilaration, emphasizing the harmonious alignment of both entities' visions. He envisions this coalition as a beacon, lighting the way to a decentralized future, making traditional assets seamlessly accessible and secure.

Artfi isn’t merely leveraging Venom’s adept transaction mechanisms; they're also charting courses to assimilate their native token into the Venom sphere. Such a move promises to unfurl a myriad of possibilities for Artfi's loyalists within the decentralized cosmos.

Artfi's captain, Asif Kamal, reflected on this pivotal alliance, spotlighting their mutual aspirations for a wider embrace of blockchain. He believes that their synchronized efforts lay the groundwork for not just Artfi's ascent but a holistic upliftment of the blockchain ecosystem, all steered by the grand ambition of channeling tangible assets on-chain.
