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Google's Revised Advertising Policy for NFT Games

Google has updated its cryptocurrency advertising guidelines, paving the way for NFT game promotions. Discover the key takeaways and restrictions in these updated policies.

Google Unveils New NFT Game Ad Policies

In the constantly evolving world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, tech behemoth Google has made a decisive move. As of September 15, 2023, Google has refined its cryptocurrency advertising policy, shedding light on the dos and don’ts for marketing blockchain games tethered to NFTs.

Historically, Google's stance on cryptocurrency advertisements has undergone significant transformations, evolving with the times. In their recent statement, Google expressed, “Starting from September 15, 2023, we’re welcoming ads from NFT game providers that distance themselves from gambling-related content. However, advertisers need to abide by specific guidelines and secure Google’s nod of approval.”

Google is giving the go-ahead to blockchain-centric games that are interwoven with NFTs. Such offerings immerse players in universes where they can enhance gameplay by snagging in-game assets, be it a swanky outfit, a mighty sword, or protective gear.

But here's the catch. Google has earmarked three NFT game categories that are a strict no-no:

  1. NFT Betting Games: Games that invite players to put their NFTs on the line in hopes of winning real-world goodies or other tokens are out of bounds. Think of platforms where your NFTs can be swapped for crypto rewards based on game outcomes.
  2. NFT-Driven Social Casino Games: Games that mimic the Vegas-style experience but reward winners with NFTs, be it a thrilling round of poker or the spin of a slot machine, won’t see the light of day on Google’s advertising network.
  3. Games with Real Money Gambling Links: The embargo isn’t just on direct gambling. Google’s stringent policy also targets any game advertising that even hints at real money gambling. Breach this, and advertisers will face the music with immediate account suspensions, sans any prior notice. However, a silver lining remains: advertisers will get a heads-up a week before the hammer drops, in Google’s bid to maintain an atmosphere of trust and transparency.

The underlying rationale behind Google's move is evident: while they're open to riding the NFT wave, they're equally intent on shielding users from potential gambling pitfalls.

It's a pivotal step that mirrors the wider industry trajectory. As the crypto and blockchain realm surges forward, key players are recalibrating their rules of engagement. Google’s endeavor to crystallize its NFT game advertising directives underscores its pledge to champion both user and advertiser safety online.

Wrapping up, Google’s freshly-minted policy throws open the gates for advertisers keen on spotlighting their NFT games, albeit within specific confines. As the digital universe marches forward, such rulebooks are crucial in ensuring online advertising is both innovative and conscientious.
