Skip to content Improves Chainlink Staking Initiative in Anticipation of Chainlink Staking v0.2 Release unveils groundbreaking features for Chainlink Staking, enhancing its platform with the Priority Pool and the innovative AI chatbot, SergAI. Amplifies Chainlink Staking with Advanced Features and AI Integration

The blockchain universe is abuzz as announces a major expansion to its Chainlink staking program. These enhancements, aligning with Chainlink Staking v0.2's release, are set to redefine's status in the Chainlink ecosystem.

Timed perfectly with Chainlink Staking v0.2's Q4 launch, unveils its standout feature: the "Priority Pool". This innovation promises effortless staking, allowing users to stake LINK tokens ahead of Chainlink’s increased capacity from 25 million to 45 million tokens. The Priority Pool offers users an automated staking experience – a true "set it and forget it" mechanism.

When probed about their alignment with Chainlink's broader ambitions, underscored their commitment to bolstering Chainlink's protocol. By harnessing the power of liquid staking and the Priority Pool, seeks to maximize LINK tokens staked in the Chainlink Staking protocol. The team affirmed, "Our collaboration with top Chainlink Node Operators and Web3 providers creates a synergistic solution benefiting both users and the network."

Adding to the suite of innovations, is transitioning from stSDL receipt tokens to NFT-represented reSDL (reward escrow SDL). This strategy, according to, is geared towards fostering long-term platform engagement, incentivizing stakeholders with more boosts and governance votes.

Jonny Huxtable,’s co-founder, voiced his enthusiasm, “Our platform's latest iteration introduces enhanced tokenomics and simplified LINK staking. This evolution reinforces's vision, promising both Chainlink Network's economic resilience and rewarding our token's long-term stakers.”

As the Chainlink roadmap unfolds, the 20 million LINK tokens destined for the Chainlink staking pool in Q4 will be deployed in three stages. Upon phase three's activation, the Priority Pool will take precedence over the community pool, giving priority to reSDL holders for staking.

Making waves, is also gearing up to introduce its AI chatbot, "SergAI". Designed as a Chainlink and aficionado, SergAI is positioned to be users' go-to for information.

On SergAI's significance, the team elucidated, "Post ChatGPT's 2022 breakthrough, AI has been an innovation hotspot. Our SergAI stands out as the only AI chatbot focused on the Chainlink Network. We're ecstatic about launching this AI marvel to cater to our vast Chainlink community, answering queries spanning Chainlink's legacy,'s platform operations, and more."'s feature-packed announcement, combined with SergAI's imminent launch, symbolizes monumental progress in the Chainlink landscape. These innovations are set to democratize Chainlink staking, providing an efficient and enriched user experience. As the blockchain world edges towards Q4, it keenly awaits the roll-out of's avant-garde offerings.
