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Lambda256 and APTOS Join Forces, Hint at Luniverse's Expanding Support

Lambda256, the blockchain arm of Dunamu, joins forces with APTOS to advance the Web3 ecosystem, hinting at Luniverse's support expansion, including non-EVM chains.

Lambda256 and APTOS: Pioneering Advancements in Blockchain Ecosystem

In a groundbreaking development, Lambda256, the blockchain division of South Korean finance trailblazer Dunamu, announced a strategic partnership with APTOS during the "Rising Web3 in Seoul" event held at the Google Startup Campus in Seoul on September 4th. The event showcased the unveiling of "Luniverse NOVA," a revolutionary public chain extension for the Luniverse platform, presented by Lambda256's Business Lead, Jae-hong Kim.

One of the pivotal revelations during this event was Luniverse's commitment to supporting APTOS, the latest blockchain network to integrate into the platform. This collaboration signifies Lambda256's aspiration to foster the growth of global and Korean Web3 service ecosystems, with a strong focus on node services, technical education, and community support, commencing with APTOS.

Luniverse, known for its user-friendly blockchain infrastructure platform, has been steadily expanding its support base throughout the year by onboarding EVM-based network nodes, including Ethereum, Polygon, and Arbitrum. The integration of APTOS into Luniverse marks a significant milestone as it represents the platform's first foray into non-EVM based chains.

Jae-hong Kim, Business Lead at Lambda256, articulated the collaboration's objectives, stating, "Through this strategic alliance with APTOS, we aim to facilitate the growth of non-EVM chains in the Korean market while actively propelling Luniverse towards global expansion." This alliance underscores the commitment of both Lambda256 and APTOS to drive innovation and broaden the horizons of the blockchain ecosystem, emphasizing growth and accessibility in non-EVM chains and the broader global Web3 landscape.
