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ChatGPT-Based Search Function Goes Live on Blockchain Encyclopedia

Unveiling's latest: a ChatGPT-powered search engine! Dive into the blockchain realm with enhanced accuracy and ease.

Revolution in Crypto Knowledge: ChatGPT Drives's Blockchain Encyclopedia

From the heart of the crypto universe, a game-changer emerges! Forget slogging through pages of dense encyclopedia entries; introduces its cutting-edge search engine, powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT.

With the digital world buzzing about AI's transformative power, crypto platforms are diving headfirst into the tech wave. And leading the pack is Why skim through lengthy articles when you can pop a question and get answers on the fly? Navin Vethanayagam, the genius Chief Brain behind, envisions a future where information is not just accessible but also precise. Aiming to squelch misinformation, the innovative IQ GPT search engine simplifies the crypto journey, especially for budding traders.

Taking a leaf from OpenAI’s playbook, IQ GPT fuses crypto expertise from giants like CoinGecko, The Associated Press, and more, ensuring you're always one step ahead. Plus, with direct links to original sources, separating fact from fiction is a breeze.

Remember Everipedia? The promising blockchain alternative to Wikipedia that caught the eye of Galaxy Digital, securing a whopping $30 million in funding? Yep, that evolved into the crypto-exclusive Pioneering the AI-integration movement in crypto, every action stamps its footprint on the Polygon blockchain, ensuring utter transparency.

Got some IQ tokens? Your gateway to the encyclopedia's governance awaits! Dive into the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) and steer the future of IQ GPT and upcoming marvels. And the best part? More AI-driven tools are on the horizon, set to amplify crypto knowledge like never before!

So, gear up, crypto enthusiasts! With ChatGPT in the mix, the odyssey has only just begun.
