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Casper Network Integrates with Validation Cloud's Node API: An Enterprise Blockchain Milestone

The Casper Network integrates with Validation Cloud's Node API, offering fast, scalable, and intelligent connectivity for enterprise and DeFi applications.

Casper Network and Validation Cloud integrate for enhanced enterprise blockchain

Casper Network, a premier blockchain platform serving enterprise and DeFi applications, has integrated with Validation Cloud's Node API. This union empowers applications and enterprises with access to Validation Cloud's platform, renowned for its swift, scalable, and smart connectivity to commercial blockchains. What stood out in this integration process was the rapid delivery speed, accomplished in a brief five days.

Steve Duignan, Head of Growth at the Casper Association, expresses his excitement about the integration and its potential to offer developers and enterprises significant opportunities. By marrying Casper’s scalability and security with Validation Cloud's speed and resilience, they aim to provide developers a platform where they can commence work in mere hours, rather than days or months.

Alex Nwaka, Validation Cloud's CSO, anticipates enterprises and DeFi applications will greatly benefit from this integration as they deploy nodes and explores the possibilities of the Casper Network using Validation Cloud's infrastructure.

The integration of Validation Cloud’s infrastructure with Casper Network's scalable and secure solutions will notably amplify Casper’s capabilities and accessibility for applications and enterprises. Validation Cloud's Node API offers a comprehensive and user-friendly interface for interacting with multiple blockchain networks, including the Casper Network, letting users concentrate on building applications rather than managing infrastructure.

Casper, a robust public smart contract platform, operates as a future-proof blockchain, enabling sustainable solutions to real-world challenges with its adaptable and modular architecture. Based in Switzerland, the Casper Association is a non-profit organization aiming to encourage blockchain technology adoption by developing and implementing Casper, enabling organizations of all sizes to unlock the full potential of blockchain.
