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Arpa Network Launches on Ethereum Mainnet, Initiates Token Minting

Decentralized computation protocol, Arpa Network, is now live on the Ethereum mainnet. The launch also kickstarts the minting of 500 million reserved ARPA tokens for staking.

After two months of operations on the testnet, the Arpa Network, a decentralized computation protocol, has officially launched on the Ethereum mainnet. The announcement came from the developers on Wednesday, confirming to CoinDesk that the network is now live.

Arpa Network enables users to conduct blockchain activities and transactions while preserving privacy. The system is designed so that on-chain behavior is not easily traceable back to an individual or a group of users.

With Arpa's launch on the Ethereum mainnet, developers can now use Arpa to create and deploy a range of decentralized applications (dapps). Potential applications include lotteries, gaming, decentralized voting systems, and identity management systems.

In addition to launching on the mainnet, Arpa Network will begin minting the remaining 500 million arpa (ARPA) tokens, which are reserved for staking rewards. These tokens also form a reserve for funding the growth of the Arpa ecosystem. The tokens will be incrementally released, allowing for a gradual vesting process for stakers, validating nodes, and other ecosystem participants.

Arpa Network is currently finalizing a six-month community pool staking program and plans to allocate 1.5 million tokens as monthly rewards. Community members can stake their tokens to earn these rewards and keep track of the network's performance. As of Wednesday morning, each arpa token was trading for 5 cents, giving it a market capitalization of $50 million.
